As part of our service offer to the clubs that attended Clubs with Heart seminar, we collected pre and post After the successful delivery of the first of the Clubs with Heart seminar series, SALT have made a few changes that will result in an even better series 2 and so on. We made these slight adjustments to the content and timing of the seminar in consultation from our clubs who took part. The 54 clubs across 17 different sporting codes. Here is some of the feedback from the clubs.
The biggest take aways from CWH clubs:
•Getting everyone on board with the idea is important.
•Our club needs all involved on the same page and working for the good of the club.
•CWH really put wellbeing on the agenda in an overt way at our club.
•The importance of searching for expertise and hearing how other clubs are going about the same issues that we face.
•Induction days for new members, welcoming people on the committee.
•Question what we are doing. What is our clubs biggest priority? Affirm our core values, don’t compromise those for on-field performance.
•Identify early adopters – get them on board, and the rest will take care of itself. You have to stick at it, even when it may be really tough to keep pushing.
Some amazing testimonials from the clubs who were a part of the CWH series 1:
Kate Bellamy Burwood Cricket Club: Outstanding series, proud to be involved and thanks to everyone who participated – truly inspirational!
Carolyn Sinclair: A very worthwhile program. Provided opportunity for me to recognise the success we as a club are already achieving in addition to ideas for improvement. As a little club, it’s hard to compare a lot compared to big clubs but in reality, we really do achieve a lot, and this program helped me see that. Thank you guys.
Marg Jones PLNC: A truly empowering and inspiring journey. Have learnt so much. Have attended all sessions, looked forward them to each time!
Ellie Campbell: Thank you so much for your efforts! It was a pleasure to be part of. Really great hearing from other clubs, loved the interactive stuff, videos, examples, break out rooms
Jason Davenport Paky Lions NC: SALT is a fantastic platform to create a healthy environment within your club – for enjoyable experiences both on and off the court/field – helping your communities to be the best they can be – regardless of results achieved. Highly recommended!!!
Brigitte Ellemor – Footscray Lacrosse Club: Helpful to know other clubs are facing the same challenges, and helped to identify some of the strategies that have worked. Thank you everyone for your input.
Gayle Firth Mentone Hockey Club: I have done SALT as the lone member of my club. The biggest take home for me has been the reinforcement that I have felt that the changes I am trying to implement are right and I am moving in the right direction.
Ryan Gill TCC: Massive thanks to the SALT team. The Clubs with Heart program has contextualised so many issues for all clubs. We had plenty of practical suggestions and content to work through. The team does a great job of setting a framework and speaking our language.
Dave Horn Burwood Cricket Club: Thanks for a great program. Provides a structure and framework which is important as working out where to start can be the biggest challenge.

We collect and share Social suite data from CWH1 series.
CWH surveys from clubs. We gathered some great insights into learnings from the first session to the last session 6 months on from clubs engaging in the series. Such information was the shifts in culture (see graphic) to skills, structure, knowledge and free text to as to how the program has benefited clubs and will continue to do so as they implement learnings from other clubs and the content delivered in the series. See example data collected and shared back to the clubs that have participated in the series.