Although the unseasonal cold and wet spring has had an impact on our start to summer sports, it has been fantastic to deliver sessions into the Bairnsdale Cricket Association. These sessions have been funded by the Bendigo Bank as part of the East Gippsland Bushfire Campaign. The cricket clubs that have participated are West Bairnsdale, Lucknow, Meerlieu, Wy Yung and Lindenow. Scott is now reasonably familiar with the East Gippsland Region and has some good recommendations for podcasts after the kilometres travelled.
Fantastic to be at the Lucknow Cricket Club last night. Great to get feedback like this from Paul post session. “That was amazing! I’ve been at this club since I was 8 years old and I wasn’t expecting this group of blokes to open up the way they did tonight.”
The above image was taken at the West Bairnsdale CC. As soon as the weather turned, 10 players rushed out to secure the covers and make sure the pitch was looked after. They showed the same concern for each other in their Mental Health and Wellbeing session. Geoff who attended the session, and who has a 40 year association in a variety of roles with West Bairnsdale and the BCA was blown away. “Sometimes you spend so much time with people, but you’re never sure what’s going on. That was a massive eye opener for me.”
West Bairnsdale, Lucknow and Meerlieu have also completed the Club Wellbeing Team 3 session online training course. The major role of the CWT is to watch over, build relationships, be approachable, be available and help facilitate a healthy and supportive community.
The topics covered are Questioning and Listening, Managing Common Issues, Suicide Recognition and Response, and Embedding Mental Health Best Practice in Your Club.
It was great to hear the banter on the Monday training session, as to how the clubs performed over the weekend. Good natured competition is alive and well in the BCA!
Bendigo Bank – Supporting Local Communities.
We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our Foundation Partners, the Bendigo Community Bank. Not only do they support SALT financially but so many of the clubs that run our programs. If your club does not bank with the Bendigo Community Bank, you should seriously consider changing banks. We would love for all of our clubs to support the bank that supports local communities.