At SALT we were looking forward to working with bushfire affected sporting clubs in East Gippsland and helping them with tools and strategies to re-build. We were going there this week and next week but due to lockdown restrictions we have, heartbreakingly, had to postpone our trip.

In speaking to clubs, we know that they are exhausted from change and uncertainty. In their communities and especially it seems, in those who are younger, there is an accumulated fatigue and numbness.

It would be easy for clubs to put the cue in the rack and suggest we wait till next year; but most of us did that last year. We can delay no longer. Now is the time to act, within the constraints placed upon us. There are actions all clubs can take even in these unsettled times and SALT can help.

We are offering online Club Wellbeing Team training.

Clubs simply need to find three to six people who would like to be trained to have the necessary skills to seek out and respond to people who are struggling and need help.  These people become your Club Wellbeing Team (CWT). Clubs can have more than this number in sessions if they like – if coaches or team managers wish to participate, they are welcome.

Our online course for your CWT runs for five weeks.  Each session is an hour long and is held in the evenings.  People join in from the comfort of their own home.

In the course they will learn the following:

  • How to notice the signs that someone is struggling
  • How to start a conversation in a non-threatening way
  • How to really listen and develop that conversation
  • Dealing with anger, stress, and other issues
  • How to follow up with someone who is struggling
  • How to create a club that feels safe for everyone

The type of people you are looking for are naturally caring people who are around the club a lot.  They are good at handling confidential information and want to contribute to improving the lives of others.

This is not a role that places a burden on their time. It is just having eyes and ears open and a trained perspective on what to look for and how to respond.

Funding may be available to cover these sessions. For further information contact SALT on 1300 980 424 or email

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