
How Positive Sports Parenting Affects Your Child

What is the hardest thing about running a junior sporting club? Answer? Parents. They start off wanting their kids to have fun, to socialise, to get fit and healthy. They end up thinking that their kid is a superstar, that coaches know less than them and that umpires are fair game for abuse. Our Positive…

SALT Club Memberships on offer

https://sportandlifetraining.com.au/products/memberships/ In senior clubs we meet firstly with the committee, then with the entire playing group to set the direction. We run the SALT Club Health Check which becomes the measuring tool for progress and reporting over the journey. There is a strong focus on wellbeing and mental health with the delivery of that course…

Positive coaching and positive parenting – online sessions

Is your club about to start preseason training and therefore truly care about the wellbeing of your players? Maybe you need to contact us at SALT and let us be a part of that support. Your club would benefit from the Positive Parenting and a Positive Coaching session from SALT that can be offered online…


SALT supporting local metro, rural and regional clubs across Victoria

The complete Club Wellbeing Package involves a live, face to face Wellbeing Session in the club and then a follow-up training of a Club Wellbeing Team. These sessions are best when completed in the preseason. Session 1: Wellbeing and Mental Health This is for every member of the club community, male and female, aged 16…

Mawson’s Concrete & Quarries campaign   

Thanks to Mawsons Concrete and Quarries we were able to work with 40 clubs in Regional Victoria in regard to Mental Health, Positive Sports Parenting and Positive Coaching.  READ MORE SALT have recently completed the Mawson’s funded Mental Health and Wellbeing project across country Victoria. The funding allowed 31 clubs to receive a Mental Health…

New SALT presenters/interested in being a SALT facilitator?  What’s the process? 

SALT have recently trained 10 new engaging facilitators. The trainees have come from a variety of locations including from Canberra, Wodonga, Porepunkah, the Bellarine and metro Melbourne as well as a variety of sporting and professional backgrounds.  The trainees have been working with Scott over several months through an online training process that provides them…

Meet a SALT of the earth volunteer – When Scott met Jack… 

While most Club Presidents maybe described as stalwarts, we are not so sure this applies to Jack, the President of a great SALT Club, the Congupna Football / Netball Club. Jack is 26 years old and is in his second year as Club President. What was the motivating reason for taking on the role?  The…