Breakfast with SALT
After 2 years of not seeing most of you face to face we were finally able to reconnect to many of you as we hosted 75 people for breakfast at our ‘new’ facilities at H.E. Parker Reserve in Heathmont, early on the 25 March 2022. As people entered the room, many of whom were attending their first breakfast event in years, there was palpable excitement. It was truly a celebration to say, ‘We are still here, we are back in clubs, we are ready to expand and we want you to take this journey with us’.
Our special guest speaker was (Ret) Major General Peter Haddad who was insightful, hilarious and honest in a way that you can only be after achieving the sorts of things he has achieved in his decorated lifetime.
It was also well overdue for us to honour those people who helped guide and lead SALT at the beginning of our journey. We initiated and inducted 7 people onto the SALT Honour Board:
Russell Dickson, Ross Grace, Neil Bull, Corina Vucic, Ian Moorhouse and Trent Youl. Edwina Ricci was unable to attend but will be inducted at the next formal SALT event.
Without these people, SALT would have undoubtably struggled to overcome the obstacles of a new charity trying to convince sporting clubs without money to have education sessions they didn’t want.
Dave shared on what we had achieved in the past 2 years, Layne Stretton, our new CEO shared about our aspirations for the next 2 years and Scott Angove told us recent stories from clubland, particularly from country Victoria.
The food was great, the view was appropriate as we looked over the well manicured local football oval and the sense of team and purpose was re-ignited.
Stay tuned for our next meal together. The SALT team.