Building a mentally strong workplace for the challenges ahead

Building a mentally strong workplace for the challenges ahead

The last decade has delivered up significant disruption to businesses.  From the coming of Uber to challenge the monopoly of taxis to online companies intercepting and charging for sales leads, Australian businesses have had to cope with unimagined challenges to their traditional way of trading.  But the biggest disruption of all has been COVID-19.  No one imagined a time when your business could be forced to close its physical doors for an extended period of time.  No one imagined curfews, wearing masks to go outside, extended separation of family members.

The psychological shift that turns trauma into a tool for personal growth

Peter Burns, CEO, SALT Post Traumatic Growth is taking the hard lessons learned when you go through a traumatic situation – such as the COVID-19 Pandemic – and using them as a springboard for personal growth. Sporting clubs, with the help of SALT, are ideally placed to not only help their members cope during this…

Mental Health Wellness Tips For Quarantine – By Andrew Szydlowski, Keys For Recruitment

Mental Health Wellness Tips For Quarantine – By Andrew Szydlowski, Keys For Recruitment

The below tips were written by Andrew Szydlowski, Keys For Recruitment.

After having thirty-one sessions this week with patients where the singular focus was COVID-19 and how to cope, I decided to consolidate my advice and make a list that I hope is helpful to all.

Susan Alberti on Women In Football – What Impact Is It Having On Men?

Susan Alberti on Women In Football – What Impact Is It Having On Men?

It was a really disappointing end to the AFLW season in 2020 with the COVID-19 state of emergency meaning that those teams who had battled to the top were not able to square off in a final to find an ultimate winner.  It was a real body blow to not only the players, but a whole battalion of women who had watched, thrilled, as AFLW had tenaciously worked to win the hearts and minds of the general public.  Proving that women’s footy was a sport well worth playing, watching and supporting.


Any Melbourne based club that had re-commenced training after the first lockdown is now facing an even greater level of disappointment due to the second wave of restrictions. The greatest threat to every person who loves their club and all it represents, is the mental health impact. For those who must now navigate further loss of income,…

Lockdown means no sport with an increased risk of mental health issues.  How can you cope?

Lockdown means no sport with an increased risk of mental health issues.  How can you cope?

With the lockdown of Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire until the 19th of August at the earliest, sport is once again off the table and the impact will be significant for a lot of adolescents and young adults.  The risk of increased mental health problems is real.