This session is designed to help girls overcome an often accepted, narrow definition of what it means to be a woman. Girls are encouraged to identify their character strengths and to use their strengths to reach their highest potential. Girls are empowered to critically evaluate the messages of society and to be defined by their values, beliefs, and character, rather than by the way that they look or by the expectations of others.

Topics covered in the presentation include:

  • Understanding and accepting yourself for who you are 
  • What kind of person do you aspire to be? 
  • What kind of reputation do you want?
  • What determines/undermines your self-esteem?
  • What are your core values? 
  • How does society define a woman?
  • How should society define a woman?
  • The inner critical voice – identifying and challenging negative thinking patterns
  • Body image Peer group pressure
  • Friends and circle of trust
  • Identifying and living in our strength zone
  • Overcoming challenges
  • Taking ownership of our lives

“Fantastic!! Really loved the message you are sending through this workshop! Empowering these young women and challenging the way they think about themselves and one another is invaluable.I hope this message stays with them for years to come. Was an absolute pleasure!”

–  Lisa M, Organiser