This session is designed to assist young people at a time of life when there is often significant pressure to experiment with negative risk-taking behaviour. This module aims to provide participants up to the age of 14 years, with a tool kit to help them resist this pressure and to respond confidently. Research shows that if young people have rehearsed their responses, they are far more likely to make a positive decision under pressure when the time comes. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend this session.

Topics covered in the presentation include:

  • Identifying the qualities you need to play sport
  • Applying these same qualities to life e.g. courage, commitment, good decision making
  • Having a game plan for life and getting off to a good start
  • Identifying the pressures that stop us from being our best
  • Understanding negative peer pressure
  • The power of the bystander
  • 5 ways to help beat peer pressure
  • Understand the power of positive peer pressure
  • What to look for in a friend
  • Bringing out the best in each other – holding each other accountable
  • Listening to the right voices
  • Knowing when to speak up and how to speak up
  • Knowing where they can get support

“The impression you had on both of my kids and their peers was enormous and they haven’t stopped talking about the session and the messages delivered since they got home. Well done -you are making a real difference and influencing young people in a very positive direction.”

– CEO, AFL Vic Goldfields