This session motivates young people to have a game plan for life that includes strategies for dealing with alcohol and drugs when inevitably they will be confronted with the decision to accept or reject their use. Participants are warned about the dangers of drugs and alcohol but this module largely focuses on how they can fill their lives with other positive pursuits, that negate the need for alcohol and other drugs. The power of a positive peer group is strongly emphasised. This module has little focus on illicit drugs due to the age of the participants and is almost entirely about alcohol.

“The sessions were amazing and participants were engaged, answered questions, and contributed to discussions. The content was very relatable to young people’s experiences and how they can use skills developed in sport to make better-informed choices.”

– Preston Bullants JFC

Topics this session covers:

  • Having a game plan for life
  • Decisions and consequences
  • Being a good teammate on and off the field
  • Alcohol and your body
  • Alcohol and violence
  • Benefits of not drinking or drinking less
  • E-cigarettes/vaping
  • The impact of Illicit drugs
  • How to say NO
  • Choosing your friends and supporting your friends