SALT Founder, Dave Burt speaks on SEN Radio about the power of connections between sporting clubs and communities. Listen below:
For full version including extra comments, see above.
SALT Founder, Dave Burt speaks on SEN Radio about the power of connections between sporting clubs and communities. Listen below:
For full version including extra comments, see above.
SALT Founder, Dave Burt speaks on SEN Radio morning show. Dave is interviewed by Julian De Stoop on coping with failure and in particular dealing with missing out on the draft.
How to be a Better Sports Club – Cultural change in community sport. A violent off-field altercation between players from two local cricket clubs led both clubs to completely review their values and purpose. They’re still rivals on the field, but co-operate around mental health support programs. Guest: Dave Burt – founder SALT (Sport and Life…
Dual Olympic gymnast Ashleigh Brennan speaks with David Burt, the Founder of SALT – Sport And Life Training, on The Rotation – Gymnastics Victoria. This podcast explains SALT and why Sport and Life Training is important in clubs and in particular gymnastics, right now and in the future.