We are off to an exciting start to the year which already includes:
Almost 100 presentations already delivered in 2020, a 12% increase on the same time last year. We’re currently on track to deliver 900+ presentations in 2020.
Presentations have included, ‘For the Love of the Game’ (Positive Sports Parenting), ‘Time to Man Up’ and Strong is the new Pretty into most of the NAB League clubs.
Presenting with Hawthorn FC into their zoned Tasmanian local netball clubs.
Presenting to elite gymnasts through Gymnastics Victoria.
SALT gained authorisation to deliver Mental Health First Aid Training and Dave Mitton took a number of our facilitators through the course recently.
BUT, that is not the main news! We have a big announcement to make…..
SALT has a new Interim CEO! We would like to introduce you to Peter Burns.
Peter was the CEO of the YMCA for 17 years (2002-2019).
Peter achieved exponential organisational growth and diversification during that time and built enduring partnerships with local and state government and commercial partners. He left a hallmark culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
Dave Burt, SALT’s founder, will continue to promote and grow SALT. Dave says of the new appointment, ‘I am thrilled that we have been able to attract someone of this calibre who can lead us in our quest to go wider and deeper and impact thousands of lives through the power of sport. It has been my great honour to lead SALT up until now but we are ready to go to the next level’. Dave will continue meeting with supporters / sponsors and is always looking to expand our reach in that area. If you know of anyone who Dave should meet, please let him know.
Peter is delighted to join our team. As he says, “SALT’s reputation and impact are impeccable. I am privileged to join such a dedicated and talented team. Together, we will work with our partners to enable more people to experience our Wellbeing, Culture and Leadership sessions as we do our part to transform Australian culture for good.”
Thank you for your on-going support for SALT. We cannot achieve what we do without you.