AFL Outer East along with their partners for Leading the Change have publicly launched a Case Study detailing the achievements of our multi-strategy program since 2017. The major partnership was established to reduce stigma around mental health in our football and netball cubs, encourage clubs to seek support, prevent suicide and prevent and respond to family violence.
A huge part of this work involved efforts to challenge men’s condoning of violence against women, promote respectful relationships and gender equality, and address risky drinking culture in clubs.
We reached over 1,500 people through the delivery of SALT sessions alone.
AFL Outer East said “we are so proud of the success of this 3-year program on club culture in our region and how it showcases the positive impacts of effective collaboration. We have gained valuable insights and key learnings from lead partners including AFL Outer East, Sport & Life Training (SALT), Yarra Valley Water and Eastern Health.”
To read the full case study visit